Adalys and Brett wanted a destination engagement session in a location with epic landscapes. Horseshoe Bend fits that criteria perfectly. The drive across the western portion of the Navajo Nation is stunning. We met late in the day at the Horseshoe Bend parking lot and proceeded to walk out to the bend. It's a dusty half mile walk. But Adalys was down for the adventure even while wearing a beautiful floor (or dirt) length gown. We explored the sandstone cliffs until the sun went down, avoided swarms of little nat-like bugs and managed to make some pretty dramatic images. As the last remnants of light left the sky we walked back and talked about life. For reals. It was a great conversation. That's one of the perks of my job - I meet really adventurous, fun, smart and interesting people. All the time. Congrats Adalys and Brett on your engagement!